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The Malta Geographical  Society (1943 -2025)
VO EN 0039

The Walks

Our Next Walk


Please go to the 

Walks Programme Page

for information on 

all our walks



There were initially about 18 members in 1943 when the Society was founded.

Although it was still war time, the society had the foresight of the need to promote the culture of geography in the wide sense of cultural appreciation of the Maltese Islands and of promotion the Maltese environment. This was done from the very start by organising walks mainly in the countryside, as well as talks and showing of films. 

To-day, 80 years after its foundation, the Society is still going strong with over 250 members and 150 life members. It organises regularly monthly Saturday and Wednesday walks, as well as various and social evenings. Activities include Gozo weekend walks, Christmas Dinners and BBQ's, excursions to Gozo and to Comino, visits (normally coupled with a walk) to various cultural and historic places. Evening walks are organised during the summer months. Each year the Society are organising walks abroad to Italy and other countries.

The subscription is only €5.00 a year and we are a registered Voluntary Organization.


To become a member

fill in the form

in the section "Join Us" 

and come to one of

our advertised walks in the

"Walks Programme" page

Contact Us 
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